Coffee consumption goes back century’s, nowadays over 400 billion cups are consumed every year; making it one of the world’s most popular drinks, so what makes coffee so special, and is it healthy?
Here we have put together a guide to coffee drinking to reap the benefits of this extraordinary beverage.
Coffee beans contain a natural blend of antioxidants, bioflavonoids, vitamins and minerals that provide impressive benefits when consumed in moderation (both caffeinated and decaffeinated), has been linked to perking you up through lowering risk of depression as well as many benefits including;
1-3 cups per day significantly lowers risk of coronary heart disease in women and is inversely associated with lowering risk of type two diabetes; a cardiovascular disease risk factor.
2-5 cups per day is associated with lower risk of stroke then non coffee drinkers through suppressing inflammation effects on arteries.
Some studies show coffee includes compounds that widen blood vessels therefore lowering blood pressure. In addition moderate coffee drinkers we less likely to be hospitalized for heart rhythm problems, and drinking coffee may increase blood flow to small blood vessels taking strain off your heart by 30%!
4 – 5 cups per day is associated with lowered risk of developing type 2 diabetes as its antioxidants boost cells’ sensitivity to insulin which helps regular blood sugar.
Ditch the morning donut or sugar in your morning beverage as excess sugar may cancel out benefits!
2 cups per day is associated with a 43% reduced risk of liver cancer
3 cups per day reduced liver cancer risks by 50%
It has been proved in many studies that coffee protects against cirrhosis with an emphasis on alcoholic cirrhosis, as well as slowing down the progression of liver disease to cirrhosis.
1 cup per day is associated with a 3% reduced risk of cancers; bladder, breast, buccal, pharyngeal, colorectal, endometrial, oesophageal, leukemic, pancreatic and prostate cancers.
A regular coffee doesn’t just reap these individual health benefits; science has shown a regular dose of coffee will help you live longer!
1 – 5 cups per day may help reduce risks of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease through antioxidants preventing some brain cell damage through activating brain stem cells to convert to new neurons thus improving brain health.
1-3 cups per day significantly lowers risk of coronary heart disease in women and is inversely associated with lowering risk of type two diabetes; a cardiovascular disease risk factor.
The most significant fact of all is 2-3 cups per day of a typical medium roast bean is higher in many antioxidants than green or black tea, and has LESS caffeine than white tea! So don’t feel guilty when you’re doing your 10am coffee run, instead, enjoy the benefits.